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Docker is a tool that makes it possible to run multiple copies of applications. If you want to use automated tests to test a website, you can use Docker to run those tests in multiple browsers at the same, which will speed things up.

If you plan to test a website, follow the instructions below to install Docker. If you’re planning to run the examples in the Possum Labs DSL project, you will also need to install Docker.

Docker for Windows

  1. Download and install Docker Desktop and start Docker
  2. Open a terminal and change to the development-setup directory in the DSL project. Then run the following command: docker-compose up --scale node-chrome=3 -d
  3. Visit localhost:4444/grid/console in your browser. You should see three web drivers.

Docker for Mac

  1. Download and install Docker Desktop and start Docker
  2. Open a terminal and change to the development-setup directory in the DSL project. Then run the following command: docker-compose up --scale node-chrome=3 -d
  3. Visit localhost:4444/grid/console in your browser. You should see three web drivers.