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Set up a new project in Visual Studio

Before following these instructions, you will first need to complete the steps on the Tools and Installation page for your system.

Create the project

  1. Open Visual Studio and use the menu option File > New Solution to create a new project.
  2. Select the project type .NET Core > Tests > MSTest. Select C# as the project language.

Load the NuGet package

  1. Load the PossumLabs.DSL.English Nuget package. This package provides the core libraries and functionality to support the creation of domain-specific languages for test automation.

Add the appsettings.json file

  1. Create a new json file in the project with the name appsettings.json. This file will serve as a configuration file that defines where the Selenium grid is located.
  2. Copy the following code block into the file and save the file:
  "seleniumGridUrl": "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub",
  "seleniumRetryMs": 10000,
  "logFolder": "TestResults",
  "seleniumGridUsername": "env var, should not be used",
  "seleniumGridAccessKey": "env var, should not be used"

Add the ImportedSteps.cs file

  1. Create a new C# file in the project with the name ImportedSteps.cs. This file will import different parts of the framework.
  2. Copy the following code block into the file and save the file:
using BoDi;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace PossumLabs.DSL.English.Integration
    public class FrameworkInitializationSteps : PossumLabs.DSL.English.FrameworkInitializationSteps
        public FrameworkInitializationSteps(IObjectContainer objectContainer) : base(objectContainer) { }

    public class AlertSteps : PossumLabs.DSL.English.AlertSteps
        public AlertSteps(IObjectContainer objectContainer) : base(objectContainer) { }

    public class DriverSteps : PossumLabs.DSL.English.DriverSteps
        public DriverSteps(IObjectContainer objectContainer) : base(objectContainer) { }

    public class ErrorSteps : PossumLabs.DSL.English.ErrorSteps
        public ErrorSteps(IObjectContainer objectContainer) : base(objectContainer) { }

    public class LogSteps : PossumLabs.DSL.English.LogSteps
        public LogSteps(IObjectContainer objectContainer) : base(objectContainer) { }

    public class ResolvedStringSteps : PossumLabs.DSL.English.ResolvedStringSteps
        public ResolvedStringSteps(IObjectContainer objectContainer) : base(objectContainer) { }

    public class TableSteps : PossumLabs.DSL.English.TableSteps
        public TableSteps(IObjectContainer objectContainer) : base(objectContainer) { }

    public class ValidationSteps : PossumLabs.DSL.English.ValidationSteps
        public ValidationSteps(IObjectContainer objectContainer) : base(objectContainer) { }
    public class WebValidationSteps : PossumLabs.DSL.English.WebValidationSteps
        public WebValidationSteps(IObjectContainer objectContainer) : base(objectContainer) { }

The code block above imports every part of the framework. If you already know which parts you’ll need, you can remove or comment out the others.